Saturday, March 31, 2012

God Hates Black People...Proof in Photo

It is apparent that God has forgotten the Dark People. The atrocities prefaced in this photo commentary can be and will be attributed to God’s ordained human freewill. That more than likely will be the justification for those who fail to challenge the realities of doom assignment. Again, who/what is in control? God or Man? If it is Man directing state of affairs, I can understand the Believer’s rationale of Human Evil. But, according to the Believer’s Word, God is in control! That in itself does not make sense. It does lend proof to my understanding: 

God Hates Black People

If God does not own this hate -which by the way is similar to God’s hate displayed within the bible- why is there so much despair among the black communities all over the world; while the lighter people of this world have and continue to prosper? Are their prayers heard, received, and answered while the prayers of black and brown people are muffled? 

 Poverty in Africa is so widespread hundreds of kids perish daily
Eating amongst trash is commonplace in the Philippines 

The Untouchables of India are ‘ethnic rejects’

Records indicate that over 10 million African slaves were slaughtered

 The battle over land in the Gaza Strip has resulted in countless murders of the rightful owners of the land, the Palestinians 

43,000 men/women die from the complication of AIDS each day in Africa

The magnitude of the Atomic Bomb/Hiroshima is still present

Hurricane Katrina

Haiti has been Hell for decades

 The DARK Central and South America has been in squalor since evolution/creation

Pakistan’s women & children are the poorest of the poor

The African American 2012 unemployment rate: 14%

The Aborigine people of Australia are still to this day economically challenged 

Native Americans…North America’s forgotten

Thousands of Iranian children are grossly malnourished 

Countless people of color live without indoor plumbing

Kids are left parentless in Malaysia 

Starvation is the normal in Rwanda

Homelessness is so pervasive…even in China

African Americans still to this day are considered less human

Over 15,000 people were killed in the Tsunami of Japan

Life for poor Indians of India as late as 1932 was tragic

Disease infects blacks everywhere in substantial numbers
 Life in the Pacific Islands for thousands