Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Do you recall from your readings of the Hebrew Bible the moment Moses came down from Mt. Sinai to disturbingly find his people in drunken uproar and disobedient discontent? After witnessing the outlandish behavior of the people Moses in frustration threw the Law of Obedience tablets – better know as the Ten Commandments – in the direction of an idol of worship, better known as the Golden Calf. Tell me that you remember.

For me, after reading and repeatedly watching the scene in the movie, The Ten Commandments, I knew then that I had questions concerning divine authority.

Over the years, that critical questioning mechanism has intensified. Actually, it has created a storm. A good storm. In this storm, I have remained steadfast in my opinions that have become my beliefs and my rhetoric. From the hail, thunder, and lighting a book was born.
Now, as I continue on my Truth Discovery I am discovering that my commentary on religion confuses those who take the time to interface with me via Facebook, email, blog, Twitter, and other social networks. The mind boggling begins for the critic of my words with the following question:

‘Muata, do you believe in God?’

Then if I do not answer the question in the way it is wanted to be heard or read, I get:

‘Muata, be careful. God does not like disrespect. You need to be fearful of God.’

I love that last part…because I can respond with,

“I have never feared God and I do not plan to ever be afraid of God. Actually, I challenge this God each and every day. I demand He show His Face. He has not for not only me – but for countless people around the globe. So, I don’t fear Him! Why should I…because God made people pay (punished) for not fearing Him?”

Then I address my last question above with:

“Perhaps, I should fear God considering He sanctioned the murder of babies, He supported the brutalization of women, He facilitated mass ethnic cleansing, He condoned homophobia, and He worked in the despicable realm of condemnation, envy, and jealousy.”

This is the God of the Hebrew Bible and King James’s New Testament. This is also the God of so many Christians who use scare tactics to instill fear. Fear of a Being that only exists in imagination. Think about that…These Christians fear something that they have made up to revere.

Then I get again:

‘Do you believe in God, Muata?’

The response that will never change:

“Belief in God is a self created force. We imagine it. Therefore, our lives are dictated by what we believe. With this understanding one must admit/agree that our belief systems are reinforced by our imaginations. God is a Figment of Imagination. Now, does that make God not real? Not sure...the finality of thought and belief is yours to make.”

So, Moses threw those tablets not only to get the people’s attention, he threw them to make them afraid of the power he had just witnessed from God. Or, did he imagine what he saw up on that hill?

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour - 11:00AM Sunday Morning. He will be in YOUR heaven with you!


  1. Reader Response:


    I had a philosophy professor at the University of Maryland who said he was an atheist. He said he knew there was something but he didn't believe in God. After seminary, I realized he wasn't actually an atheist. He simply didn't believe in God as presented in the bible - the God you described. I am where he is now. I know there is something at work within us. Exactly how it works, I am not certain. Whatever it is, it supports critical thinking. Continue challenging, only the truth will set us free.


  2. Reader Response:

    You know you like pushing the envelope.

