Saturday, December 25, 2010

If the biblical story of Jesus is valid, true - his intentional sacrifice and God-sanctioned suicide for The Believers was for nothing. It served no life saving purpose. Your Jesus committed suicide for you, and you continue to dishonor his work. Think about that before you get offended...finish thinking? Why for nothing?


His theologically flawed followers – including the religiously inconsistent non-believers are STILL sinning and polluting the universe with flagrant disobedience which gives perfect indication that Jesus failed to be effectively impactful. Same as Moses. He too failed to rally the wanderers with obedience. Two unsuccessful Hebrew and New Testament giants – and their disloyal sheep. Losers and turncoats.

We cannot and should not separate the one who failed from the unpreventable. The failure is the result that we live with every day. Look around...

You know what I am talking about...You see what I see. Your conscience is the indicator. Is it clean? Or, is it dirty? I will be the first to stand and shout, 'I am dirty. Filthy.' As a result, I have been FROZEN. Generating no life. Sharing no life. Is there a ‘saint’ willing to provide a testimony?

The fountain's life form – H20 - is stuck in place.

As this year comes to a close I know that there will be a lot of melting while in place. Life, like the fountain will eventually begin to flow again. Rejuvenating our existence.

Inconsequently, the frozen molecules of life will be superficially rejuvenated by empty rhetoric at Night Watch services all across the globe. That religious diarrhea of the mouth will be puked by ego-driven disciples (preachers) that actually need to remain frozen e.g. Eddie Long and the other usual suspects.

What is this Authentic Rejuvenation?

Our lives are constant. Life goes on and on. Unlike the water fountain we don't have to recycle the same life forms which are often times mistakes. We have the ability to purify ourselves. The ability (I said)!! But, our tired New Year resolutions are proof of our failure. Of our wasteful attempts to refocus.

If the story is biblically inherent, Your Jesus tried to cleanse you when he committed a crime in his final act of embarrassing desperation to be heard. To be seen. To be acknowledged. Nothing else worked! Not even his divine magic e.g. resurrection and ascension. Nothing! His death should have been the Christian Good News.

As my good friend, L. Scott said, "No one pays attention to good news any longer." He is right, and it is a fact that I should have gleaned from my textbook readings of the biblical text years ago while in seminary. I must have been too busy chasing the skirt of the preacher’s daughter.

The Good News Jesus spoke of (if the story is true) was vehemently rejected. Irresponsibly ignored as if it was meaningless metro news i.e. black man shot multiple times resulting in death at a Church’s Fried Chicken franchise while he attempted to protect four Latinas.

The crime, the Messiah’s bad act - became shallow celebrity news e.g. Kanye West and Lady GaGa: will be forgotten! Do you know how much brainless attention this secular human worshipping gets? More than we realize!

Let's personally resolute ourselves with the one and only gift we should have during the Christmas and Kwanza season - and in the New Year, TRUTH and LOVE! Hell, if you must, commit a crime to get yourself to that un-pearly gate of truth and bliss…like YOUR Jesus did…No - we ain’t ready to sit in incarceration for righteous rebellion.

Not sure why not…we spiritually incarcerate self each and every time we heed to Joel’s white-washed instruction to turn to our church neighbor and say, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ Some of these men and women are sending you straight to hell…if there is one.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour - 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Top Ten Signs You're a Fundamentalist Christian

10 - You vigorously deny the existence of thousands of gods claimed by other religions, but feel outraged when someone denies the existence of yours.

9 - You feel insulted and "dehumanized" when scientists say that people evolved from other life forms, but you have no problem with the Biblical claim that we were created from dirt.

8 - You laugh at polytheists, but you have no problem believing in a Triune God.

7 - Your face turns purple when you hear of the "atrocities" attributed to Allah, but you don't even flinch when hearing about how God/Jehovah slaughtered all the babies of Egypt in "Exodus" and ordered the elimination of entire ethnic groups in "Joshua" including women, children, and trees!

6 - You laugh at Hindu beliefs that deify humans, and Greek claims about gods sleeping with women, but you have no problem believing that the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary, who then gave birth to a man-god who got killed, came back to life and then ascended into the sky.

5 - You are willing to spend your life looking for little loopholes in the scientifically established age of Earth (few billion years), but you find nothing wrong with believing dates recorded by Bronze Age tribesmen sitting in their tents and guessing that Earth is a few generations old.

4 - You believe that the entire population of this planet with the exception of those who share your beliefs -- though excluding those in all rival sects - will spend Eternity in an infinite Hell of Suffering. And yet consider your religion the most "tolerant" and "loving."

3 - While modern science, history, geology, biology, and physics have failed to convince you otherwise, some idiot rolling around on the floor speaking in "tongues" may be all the evidence you need to "prove" Christianity.

2 - You define 0.01% as a "high success rate" when it comes to answered prayers. You consider that to be evidence that prayer works. And you think that the remaining 99.99% FAILURE was simply the will of God.

1 - You actually know a lot less than many atheists and agnostics do about the Bible, Christianity, and church history - but still call yourself a Christian.

-Written by Hrw Awsr Stt

Love it! Lord…I wonder what the Christians are saying. They know this brotha is RIGHT on! -Muata Nowe

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Still in Desperation

*A Worthy Benediction*
We are not what God created. We are robotic byproducts of all that is good and bad in this world. God is responsible for the authentic self - not the processed, manufactured, packaged humans that we have willingly become. While there is good in us as a result of what we have learned and experienced via shallow existing, the bad within our hearts and souls finds its way in the outcome. The final product. That product is called Life.

Life, a defected organism that began clean and pure - but ends in a mess because of man's inability to rebuke greed, arrogance, envy, jealousy, and ego. All biblical characteristics of God, by the way. Then we have the audacity to seek forgiveness when we freely defy the Creator's creation, Purity. Through Christian belief, we leave salvation and grace in the hands of the Lord...wanting Him to purify us. Make us anew so we can join Him.

If you agree with the above or even if you can understand my declaration, you now must admit that human development is compromised by what Christianity promises.

Ask yourself, how? Then recite your benediction:

May the Lord bless you and keep you; may He make His face to shine on you and be gracious to you; may He lift up His countenance on you and give you peace. -Numbers 6:22-27

The selfish dependency we place on God to bless, keep, be gracious, and give peace to us is remarkably astonishing – and gives indication that we are still in desperation…even after God’s word is preached by the people’s chief Byproduct Maker, the Preacher.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour - 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Strength to Face the Hell we Create

If only she would have paused, reflected, went back, and did not allow fear to consume her.

Fear was the beginning of Aimee Michael’s demise. The beginning of a guilt filled conscience that will surely haunt her for the remainder of her life. Her self created torture continued with her participating in what that fear produced, The Cover Up. Finally, as if that is not enough weight for the cross she has to carry, her selfish belief that her soul would have allowed her to live with what the continuation of fear accomplished solidified her demise and instituted her hell. Hell is what we create while on earth when we are dominated by fear!

At that moment, during the hiding from the secular (police) Aimee sealed her fate. She killed herself along with five other people.

Returning to the scene immediately would have proven that fear did not win. The Return would have provided all those left living with a less challenging attempt to forgive. Aimee's departure as the flames engulfed life, removed that one element that God gives, Immediate Grace.

Fear won on that Easter Sunday. Wow! Easter Sunday! The day Christ came back, the day he returned without fear of being slaughtered again. Christ defied all Non-Believers and validated his power for Believers. With all we know about Christ, I ask when will we be as he was: Courageously Bold?

Aimee, obviously, with her fear of facing her mistake did not believe that she would have been worthy. Worthy of God's understanding. Worthy of man's strength to usher her back into God's unconditional loving fold. But, what did we expect considering man’s inability to resist the temptation to judge? What did we expect considering the absence of courage?

Lord God...where are the Daniel's among us? He stood in that den never fearing that he would be devoured. He boldly turned his back toward the enemy as to express, 'Even with my back turned, I fear nothing. Fear will not cause me to reason with the enemy while I am temporarily in this den. I shall look to the heavens for my courage. My strength.”

Amiee Michael had her chance to Turn Around. To be as strong as Daniel. Now, she leaves freedom behind without looking back:
Aimee Michael was charged with five counts of vehicular homicide, one count of serious injury by vehicle and six counts of hit and run.
We have to go back. Return. Turn around. That's the only way to address the pain and horror we have injected into God's universe.

As we leave here today, remember not to kill yourself and others with fear as your weapon. Go to/turn to/return to someone you have wronged. Face what you have caused. Be faithful – as Daniel – he defeated what Aimee could not.

Amen and Amen!

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour - 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

How God Defeats Science

Having no ability to measure God or account for His existence through reliable fact is the issue I have with the Concept of God. Not that I do not believe there is a divine force in the universe that we refer to as God - but believing in a God because our faith substantiates the belief only proves that we are putting our understanding of God in the inconsistent and elaborate imaginations of man/woman. Therefore, the faith we have in a God is a forced belief because our imaginations want and need this faith food to quell its spiritual hunger for answers. Faith will always win out with this dynamic at work while science becomes the atheistic justification for non-believers.

One critical factor we must keep in mind is that science does not need anything - an outside force - to produce or maintain validity. Science is absolute. Faith comes and goes based on where people are in their religious life - and in this process it does not gain man/woman nothing but another belief in an unstable mechanism of support that one has to blindly exercise faith without reason to make real. Such as heaven. The same process for Satan. The same process for Jesus walking on water and being born from a virgin. And, it goes on and on.

The constructors of Christianity and its most devoted promoter, the Christian minister, relish in the fact that it goes on and on. That it is a never ending speculation without a reasonable or responsible conclusion. Why?

The constant effort of trying to understand keeps the desperate and the hopeful wanting and needing answers. Leaving the soul pleading for - you guessed it - unshakable FAITH.

Unfortunately, these God-seekers spend the majority of their life either searching for answers that will never produce a scientific or quantifiable conclusion - or adhering to what does not make any sense at all. The latter, is the key to Christianity's worldwide success. The believers, with defeat, give up trying to understand with the utilization of logic and become men and women who repeat verbatim,

'I believe by faith. And by faith alone.'

When this regurgitated religious pronouncement is uttered, I become confident in my anti-religion dogma. Specifically anti with the religion named for a man whose character is not reflected in its present form, Christianity. The believer is trapped at this point in her self imposed pious tornado. In that declarative storm/test that many find themselves undergoing and enduring repeatedly in the life that their God has bestowed or should I say burdened upon the flock?

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour - 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

When I look back over my life…

I am amazed that I am still here. I am amazed that I can say, ‘God has been so good to me.’ Saying it these days brings guilt. Saying it makes me feel so unworthy. So, for the past three years I have secretively said, ‘God has been so good to me.’ I cannot bring myself to utter that sentence of declaration with honest conviction.

The guilt stems from my memory. Memories and reminders of what I have done and said that has been so unbecoming of a human who prides himself on being a Good Man. I have easily lied, leisurely stolen, randomly cheated, recklessly fornicated, and boldly flirted with death. I have been unendingly wrong on so many occasions. My behavior has mirrored the actions of those who do not have any regard for moral decency. Now, at this point in my life I am prepared to come clean. I guess I am cleansing now as I type this confessional…without providing the details of my ‘sinful’ behavior. That I will not do!

What I will do is stop myself each and every time I slightly think about saying, ‘God has been so good to me.’ If He has been acting in my life He definitely needs to retract all the guidance and favor He has bestowed. I am not worthy. Especially when I think about all the people who have been strictly devoted to God from a Believer and including an Atheist disposition. Confusingly, I have to admit that there are countless human beings that live righteously - by God’s word and commandments – but end up enduring the most horrific lives.

And yet, while walking on a beautiful Saturday morning and enjoying my colorful mood I have the shameless audacity to think, ‘God has been so good to me.’ So selfish. So self centered. So arrogant. So conveniently forgetting of my dirty past. A past that I am partially ashamed of in numerous forms. A past that I am beginning to rectify.

Before we speak the words, ‘God has been so good to me or God has blessed me.’ I would like to challenge each of us to Look Back Over Our Lives with humility. With confession. With resolve. Lord knows I did not do this for years! Including the years I boastfully professed to be a Christian. It was not until I vehemently denounced, rejected, and exposed Christianity that I became aware of my dark shadowy past. Interesting…The cloak of Christianity insulated me. Saved me in the form of fake forgiveness. Blanketed me in the Protectionism of Hypocrisy.

We have to clean up the mess we’ve made without Christianity’s protections i.e. grace. When we do we will begin to look back without shame. Without embarrassment. Without guilt.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour; 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Old vs. New

Have you ever wondered why the bible drastically changes its rhetoric beginning with the New Testament? The adaptation is significant.

The Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) is lawfully absolute. You do something and there is the consequence lurking like a snake examining its prey. Genesis, the Beginning, begins that way with the Garden of Eden story: Adam and Eve committed an act that produced dreadful ramifications.

The OT by all accounts is a complex story of what to do and what not to do. Of how people behave, and the results that come forth from the behavior i.e. God's Chosen People were banished to wander in the wilderness. Actually, the OT has been designated by some to serve as a law guide i.e. Leviticus. Consequently, with most accounts when the laws were broken there was no preventable way to avoid the wrath of God.

When the reader reaches the New Testament there appears to be this new dramatic push of grace and forgiveness. The change is recorded in the synoptic gospels.

The NT tells the story of a man who unsuccessfully convinced man to love his brother. His story - despite man’s inability to adhere - serves as an example of how we should righteously live our lives so some level bliss dominates one’s life. It basically gives us a road map to be worthy of God's love without emotionally subscribing to the religion, Christianity. Whereas, in the Old Testament this love is somewhat void, and God's contempt, jealousy, vindictiveness, and callousness reigns. The NT pages are not completely consumed with condemnation as we see and read in countless places in the Old Testament. Not until one gets to the last book, Revelation.

Why the vast difference? Why did God's so called inspired writers suddenly change their tune?

Could it be that God had nothing to do with the creation and formation of the biblical text? Could it be that the writer's of the New Testament believed the people needed an easier version to embrace? We have to admit that there is a gentler process in the NT. One can make it to God’s heaven with a law breaking record that includes murder, molestation, and torture.

With what I have shared above - which has been shared by countless men and women before and is prevalent knowledge of any trained seminarian - why do Christians and other religious people hold the bible as their safeguard? Their crutch? It is like depending on something or someone who has a shaky past. No one does that when they are removed from emotion and forced to think with logic and reason.

Perhaps, a better question is, why do those (Today’s Preacher) who claim to know biblical truth do not utter it in sermon, bible study, and/or Sunday school? It definitely would not be a membership builder…

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour; 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are You Your Master?

What does it say about you if you cannot proudly give yourself credit for your accomplishments? Why do so many of us give all the praise to a God that created us to be 'abundant' in our attempts to be successful? Further, what role did YOU play in your successes? Or, was it all God? If it was just God, what are you? Who are you?

We thank God because we want Him to continue 'blessing' us. It is our selfish act to appease that in us that says that we are unworthy.

What if God told you, 'I had nothing to do with your success. It was all you. You are deservingly worthy.'

The concept of God in many ways was set-up for us to lean completely on God. This effort does not leave any room for man/woman to think of themselves as having the singular power to change their lives.

'Without God you are nothing.'

Really? Is this true?

I certainly understand why the concept is presented this way. It creates blind dependency, not spiritual independency. If man/woman does not depend on God there would not be too much reason to believe in religion's required justification to follow its traditions, practices, and commandments.

Everything we know about God is conveniently made-up. In many ways with good reason. Consequently, most human beings try to live good and righteous lives. If life does not go well we are quick to blame the Devil - and not ourselves. Leaving God, after we are literally forced to believe that the Devil has no power, as the reason for all accomplishments. There is nothing too terribly wrong with that - but it does make me wonder, who is the Master of our Fates?

If it is God, He - not YOU - is responsible for so much success and so many human train wrecks. So, again, who are you? What are you? How can you/me live another day not knowing the answer?

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour; 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

God’s Will is Selective

So many of God’s saints emphatically claim to know God’s Will. What He expects. What he intends to do. While never understanding or frankly admitting that The Will of God is a mystery. It is unknown. None of us knows what God has in store or what He is planning to do - despite what a pastor says. That’s if you believe that this God of Man is working. Actually doing something. Doing something to prevent strife, calamities, and heartache among the masses.

What confuses me are His selections (if God is at work). Some of the best people – those vehemently devoted to God - die under horrific conditions. But, then you have the most disgusting of human representation live long, healthy, and prosperous lives.

How does one rationalize that?

I have tirelessly answered that question by referencing facts. By analyzing present and past occurrences. My humble and theological justification completely removes God from the complexity of why this or that has occurred. Yes, in order for it to make sense I am of the belief that a rational, not a religion-driven, person has to conclude that God is not picking and choosing. He is not playing chess with man’s life. He, in all due respect, to the Creator is absent; aloof.

If that last sentence is true we have to consider that we may not be under a divine guidance. We have to consider that we are not ‘covered with the blood of Jesus’. If it is not true, one has to consider that God is extremely selective. Even down to skin color and socioeconomic level.

A massive earthquake hits Haiti – and thousands die. A tsunami hits Thailand – and thousands die. And, ironically a massive earthquake hits New Zealand two weeks ago – and not one person dies. Better infrastructure?

I can recount several incidents when people of color have had to face destruction and disease as a result of a natural disaster. I can preface countless situations that negatively affected people of color just because they have less money. With this innocent assessment and fact producing revelation, I must stay with my ongoing thought process:

God appears to have it in for the darker people of the world.

One does not have to agree with me – but I challenge you to take a stroll back through human history. Note the trauma black and brown people from all corners of the world have faced and endured.

And, if God does not “have it in” for those with dark pigmentation he must not be aware that His Will is not positively affecting the darkies.

Respond to my concerns, God. I am waiting on a sign. I am waiting on your Will to prove me wrong.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Judas is The Christian

Judas served a good purpose: the kiss of identification, the ultimate betrayal, and then suicide. If he would not have lived out his cowardice the story of Jesus may have been different.

We needed for Judas to do what the present day Judas' are doing: turning their backs on righteousness, faith and truth.

Jesus Christ - according to New Testament belief-shaping writers - was the embodiment of what is justice, what is faithful and what is true. Unlike, the present day Judas: Modern Day Mega Mouthpieces of God's Word and Conditional Christians. We know who they are. I shall not call their names.

We know that they are a Judas lacking a legitimate purpose. Unwilling to take the right path i.e. not honoring God's plan of servitude. They are the truest embodiment of how Judas has been portrayed: a coward, a backstabber, a weakling, a bystander witnessing death and destruction of God's people, a killer of faith and truth.

Amazing how the story of Judas created so many of him, and not many Christ. Amazing the amount of church Christians play - but not extending many acts of Christ i.e. sacrifice and service. What will you do for man when you leave church Sunday?

And, they have the bold audacity to name themselves, Christian. That is the fulfillment of blasphemy!

I wonder will the Judas of the 21st century hang themselves…well, if the Old Testament gives any indication; they are in fact hanging themselves and unfortunately polluting the minds and hearts of God’s People.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Friday, August 13, 2010

God is Bipolar too…

Throughout the bible from Genesis to Revelation there is indication of an evil adversary. The writer of Genesis begins this concept with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. The New Testament writers appeared to have a strange relationship with this adversary too. It is called Satan and/or Lucifer in this part of God's Word. In both books the adversary is mentioned as if there were a need to prove that there was an evil force. As if this evil needed to be separated and singularly distinguished. Set a part from 'something'.

If you are a bible reading connoisseur who reads the bible without religious emotionalism you may have understood by now what the writers of the New Testament were trying to do with their efforts.
It is apparent the God of the Hebrew Bible was not a pacify-giving disciplinarian. This God's approach toward mistake was not one of teachable moments. Well, there was instruction in His action. That instruction is what I preferred as a child; and is what I favor as a parent: stern and unflinching resolve.

The God of the Hebrew Bible did not negotiate. He set a standard (fear) - and expected everyone to live by and with fear. He did not waiver in is reactions, or in His delivery. It was always with force. A force we may describe as brutal - but at least He was consistent. No one got away with disrespecting His final Word. Not even His representatives! Moses was punished…Numbers 20:2-13.

Some of us who actually spend time studying the bible without a faith lens understand that the Hebrew Bible God was not nice in all situations that required Him to remind individuals of His power. His reactions - in most cases - were...I will say it: Evil. Just down right baneful. Think, really think, about the Hebrew Bible God's punishments. Now think about the presentation of punishment in the New Testament. The wrath of punishment is not that severe in comparison to Exodus 11:5. What is the psychological disposition of the God that sanctions murder? These sanctions and directives were sadistic and have a serial killer mentality. How do we describe serial killers: demented, devilish, evil?

If there is Human Evil, who did humans learn evil from? The God of the Hebrew Bible or from the Fallen Angel that the writers of the New Testament did everything possible to highlight to New Testament readers?

I know one thing for certain. While dissecting the Hebrew Bible I was convinced God was not nice. I was convinced that His actions resembled what many of us refer to as wicked.

In my non-literal interpretation of both versions (Old and New Testament) I concluded that God possesses several human characteristics. His character is displayed in His jealousy, vindictiveness, manipulation, and uncontrollable anger.

No wonder the synoptic story of Jesus was assertively intertwined. It is told three times in the New Testament! Why? The writers had to tie together (Greek translation: syn, meaning "together") grace, benevolence, understanding, and forgiveness into the text. They believed it was necessary to show another side of God via Christ's compassion. 'Umm...if Christ is so loving His father has to be too.'

So, a cunning re-creation of God has been in the works for centuries. It began with the New Testament. What is so surprising to me is the amount of reverence man/woman has to God (me included). Perplexing - but it all makes sense when one THINKS. Man/woman can personally relate to the evil issued and ordered by the Hebrew Bible God and the love God's son displayed. This may be the reason so many Christians refer to Jesus as God. They want their God to be like the Son of Man. Wouldn’t you rather face Jesus?

Humans have proven to take after their father. Remarkably nefarious one day and astonishingly amorous the next. Bipolar Disorder at its BEST!

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Atypical Altar

I never thought when I started my commentary ministry, Muata Truth Telling, that I would become despised. Disliked. Marginalized. It never crossed my mind that friends and family would abandoned me as a result of my life-long acquired opinions. Opinions that have additionally been forged by a seminary education…that did not lead me to the most common and disgraced area of the Church, The Pulpit.

My ministry has been one of what I think is honestly forthright and based on scientific and mathematical truthful. The Church’s truth is far from this. Therefore, I could not and will not subject myself and those who bother to consume and engage me to unsubstantiated religiosity.

As I sit here alone this Sunday morning, I can wholeheartedly acknowledge that I am saddened. Sadden by the reaction I have received while expressing myself with lovely tenacity - but at times void of cognizant compassion.

As I sit here alone this Sunday morning, I cannot think of one word that I have typed in conscious malice. While blunt with substantiated rhetoric I have not intentionally attempted to hurt Christian-laced feelings. I have done everything possible to SHOCK; and not bruise the emotions of those who have been drowned with the numerous representations of The Church: God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ (which one is in control).

As I sit here alone this Sunday morning, I still do not completely regret where I have ended up: With Self. This is the place that makes one stronger. Strength does not come from a walk to the save-ship altar (saved from what). It has been the place where I have been forced to deal with my complexity: My God-given and sanctioned garbage. This place - is my Sunday Morning Contemplation.

Consequently, I have to face the loneliness that comes with becoming an unrelenting and unashamed religious outcast. I would rather be on the fringe rather within the mess, The Church.

And, get this - I am in this place as a result of trying to be understood and understand.

Guess I should have said nothing?

I believe with every ounce of my being that I was not made for this world. The world’s present state. Get that, "this world". This world is a disgusting facade. A smelly abyss. A place that does not respect humble agitation - and progressively free thought. Unabashed thought that’s not robotically attached to religion.

I have mistakenly tried to be FREE while knowing that ultimate freedom requires a death. A death of something. That something - can be and should be what this world has created, a Voided Hallelujah Soul.

As I move onto the next ‘sermon’ please know that My Ministry has been to non-narcissistically enlighten myself, to transparently share myself with the universe, and to examine myself while at
The Atypical Altar.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Another Lie, Sex Before Marriage is NOT a sin

There have been many occasions where I would not make a bold declaration in fear that I have overlooked a fact. Well, this time is different. I preface my divinity education and my continuous study – and put it (seminary education) on the line with this one.

No where. Let me repeat/retype NO WHERE in that crutch for a bible does it say that having sex prior to marriage is a sin. Again, no where.

The bible talks about sex a lot. Actually, King David was the master of sexing – but he was not called on the carpet for his outlandish sexual tendencies until he decided to have sex with a married women. Before then, he was banging all types of women!

The bible speaks of fornication quite a bit to – but I challenge all those reading, particularly those trigger ready to dispute me, to examine the word fornication. Go to its roots. Study it before you tell me that fornication implies sex before marriage. Yes, the definition tells us it is sex between to unmarried people. What it does not tell us is that fornicating pre marriage is a sin.

Now, I am not advocating that we all should go out and have sex freely. What I am pushing from my pulpit:

Sex before marriage is not a sin and NO WHERE in the Good Book does it say that it is sinful.

Biblical ignorance, misguided scripture allegiance and misrepresentation has handicapped the African American community. Shackled us in so many ways. It actually has led us astray. We need to stop listening to Pastor in some cases, and listen to that inner voice. Pastor is a man/woman too. HUMAN. He/she is a representation of all that is wrong with us. Yes, I said that! With this contemplation, let's get busy saving ourselves without an unsound Sunday morning sermon that may have been written while Pastor was drinking some cognac. A lot of cognac. Or, while he/she was chatting with boyfriend or girlfriend – and not with his/her wife/husband.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Jesus vs. Farrakhan

I was thinking about Jesus earlier today. Then later today I was thinking about The Honorable Louis Farrakhan. My thoughts concluded with this:

Farrakhan in my analysis has been more effective with 'man' than Jesus Christ.

I don't expect anyone to ask me 'How so?' Especially a Christian.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Muata, the Muslim, and the Christian

*Photo: Jesus and Muhammad*

There is a difference:

A so called devoted Christian would not give up (sacrifice) his/her life for the greater good. The good that they have been programmed to believe in. Ask a Christian if he/she would jump off a bridge or dive out a high rise building window for the sake of a child's life or to save the Christian Believer's Community. Like Caleb, one of the Twelve Spies, was willing to sacrifice for his people (Book of Numbers). Those days of ultimate sacrifice for mankind are long gone.

The Christian is unlike the faithful Muslim.

The Muslims who strap bombs to themselves are not crazy. Fanatical - but not insane. Devoted Muslims will cut off their hand to save a baby. Muslims show discipline under unbearable odds. Almost like a marine. A ranger. They are trained to love what their faith stands for first -and love themselves second. It is all for the faith, Islam. The devotion is not for a figure like the Christian Faith's Divine Failure, Jesus. Allah is their guiding light, not a 'get happy' song. Paradise is real to them. It is the place that they are willing to go via suicidal death by any means necessary. Like Jesus, Himself – accept it or not – he committed suicide. He controlled His destiny! Unlike the modern day Christian, claiming to love God - but doing any and everything to stay away from their Creator: experts at trying to cheat death. All this talk about heaven - but no Christian is willing and ready to go? Those Muslims who flew planes (not that I condone the act) were true believers. They believed in their mission (I vehemently condemn this act of terror). Christians do not have a mission worth honoring. Muslims are Patriots for Allah. Warriors!

The faithful Muslim is unlike the Christian.

This was written with the following in mind:

I have been both, a Muslim and a Christian. I know firsthand what my allegiance was to Islam and Christianity. I know clearly what type of personal inspiration that was created over various periods of time. I know this too: I was a paladin for Allah, and His Messenger. I would have taken a bullet for The Honorable Louis Farrakhan and Minister Willie Muhammad (my local NOI leader at the time).

Was I brainwashed…? Nope! I was a Believer. A real Believer. Not a Believer just in rhetorical description. My humanitarian spirit was cultivated via the Fruit of Islam discipline. My rebel mentality was aggressively massaged via Malcolm X and the likes of him!

As a Christian I was taught to love a Christ that was by all accounts white. The beginning of the lie! There was not one ounce of radical warrior-ism infused in my Christian teachings. I was told to be like Jesus…which was a pathetic description of a weak and meek punk. There was no way I was going to maintain devotion to/for a man who gave up His life for humans who ended up assisting in His death, the Jews!

Over time and much accurate education I have grown to appreciate that Jesus who was carried on a cross into Calvary prepared to suffer the consequences for his law-breaking behavior. The money table de-constructor is the Jesus I now know – not that spineless representation presented to me by Old Time Religion. A better and more appropriate name for that brand of Christianity: Slave Religion.

That’s my difference.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Christians are Nothing like Christ

When I entered divinity school I had every expectation to follow in the humble footsteps of my mentor by becoming a pastor. As time passed, what I thought was a calling changed. No more was I willing to be a typical scripture quoting conduit of God’s word. A traitorous spiritual representation of God’s son. My seminary training changed from one of divine educational deliverance to theological radicalization. The latter definitely fits the blackest boy raised in the overcrowded church on Mary James Avenue. My sensational baptism and pansy soldier support of the Apostle’s Creed solidified my fate: I was a lackadaisical Christian. Consequently, there was something pressing about my fire and brimstone religiosity that yearned at me to challenge the Church’s unbelievable apologues. With this forceful push, I am defiantly unlike what Vacation Bible School fashioned. I am different. Totally opposite from the custom-made suit and cufflink wearing preachers I occasionally listen to as I channel surf e.g. Joel Olsten, Craig Oliver, and the likes.

While channel surfing on the morning of May 16, 2010, I was reminded why people particularly black people are idiotically shackled to Western religion, Christianity. The dreadful reminder reinforces my position: Collectively, black people are handicapped by the religion Jesus, Himself, would NOT support. Not under any circumstances!

“Christianity’s purpose is not to address social issues. While societal problems are critical this is not the purpose. Christianity should not be used to address health and finances. While maintaining good health and healthy finances is important, these are not important in the larger scope. Christianity should not used in politics. Politics help mold society – but we as Christians should not be consumed with Capitol Hill.”

I usually find better ‘things’ to pray about i.e. ‘Lord, please help us to live a life pleasing of our mirror reflection.’ – but I had to pray that this grotesque imitation of a preacher was joking. He was not! He went on to say:

“Ultimately, the value of Christianity is in the crucifixion. This all Christians should be concerned with – Jesus paid the price for you. He died and rose so that you can make it into heaven. Life on earth will pass.”

Calling the number at the bottom of my tube television screen was not an option.

Death is in the minister’s words. He, like countless other leaders of the saints, mentally condemned – and cranium confined ‘God’s children…again. Similar to what a plantation preacher did! This is nothing unfamiliar in the 21st century. Church folk ingest to this type of madness daily. Their holy applause is indication that they believe every word to be true. However, here is the truth:

Christ was a social revolutionary. He may as well been a sociologist. His concern was with the people. He was the personification of the Community Organizer – and we are not to be eradicating fighters of societal ills? Christ spent His days healing sickness. He is known to be a healer which in fact addressed health. Christ’s had an ongoing beef with the Roman powers. Why? Tax collection; which is related to what? You got it: finances. Christ purposefully hop-knobbed with the Roman political structure in an effort to combat oppression, another tactic used to control The People. He was an unrelenting politician who loved people and not narcissistic power.

But yet, Christians are to solely focus on the crucifixion? No wonder Christians are nothing like Christ: Not Up-Right for Righteousness – but off centered, crookedly obsessed with the deserved execution of Christ.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Friday, May 7, 2010

The Divine Question, Do You Believe in God?

Asking me if I believe in God is like asking me if I believe in Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.

Surprisingly, this divine question has been asked with alarming trepidation. As if my answer were not yes he or she would have to disown me. Of course, I innocently relish that moment of friendship on the line awkwardness. The terrified facial expressions. The palm sweating panting. The uncontrollable eye agitation is hilarious! Luckily, I have not lost many friends as a result of my push to Expose Christianity.

Since I believe that I am an expert of being politically correct without sounding like a robot, my response appears to appease the person asking me the question, Do you believe in God? Unfortunately, I am somewhat disappointed in the individual because they become retardedly relieved by my half ass cookie cut statement of belief.

Equally sad is that I don’t answer the question with spiritual conviction which is evidence to me that the curious but not so curious person is not interested in where I truly stand with The Lord. All they are interested in is if I am a Believer. That is typical considering most who are Christology Believers have no legitimate basis for their belief. It is based on conjecture, fantasy, emotionalism, and shakable faith. Nothing substantial other than pastor’s first Sunday sermon, God is real.

Consequently, when I ask The Faithful why they believe in a God he/she cannot under any circumstances justify their round-about declaration. Not that that is completely insufficient or horribly lacking in any way. I can respect their religious dogma line in the sand. What I cannot respect is their unpleasant reactions to people who stand on an Atheist principle, There is no God.

One of my most devoted Jewish friends is an atheist, by the way. Her life’s work is a beautiful reflection of selfless love. If there is a heaven, she will be at the front of the line with her Jesus pass. Is there VIP beyond the Pearly Gates?

So, as I walk around with my God is a Figment of Your Imagination t-shirt I am reminded with contempt that God is literally understood to be the Creator of man and woman – which is the reason why I am of the belief that there is…

Finishing that sentence will give indication to what I believe.

My belief system should not be of anyone’s pressing concern. As if they are prepared to hand me over to the Fallen Angel if I am not a Believer?? Their business should be if they are adhering to what their jealous and vindictive Christian God has asked of them - and their contemplation should be if I have lived a life that will leave a legacy of trying to eradicate my un-Godliness.

Written by The Preacher you will not hear during America's most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nothing is Mysterious about God's Ways

The Preacher is wondering why a young lady I overheard at a coffee shop this past weekend said with confident belief, "God works in mysterious ways." She was talking to a client. She is a mortgage loan rep. Yes, I was being really nosy. Mysterious Ways is so out of place for business. The white man agreed with me…I am sure. He looked so ready to go! "...God works in mysterious ways." Ain't nothing mysterious about God. If you read His so called inspired word his actions are set forth. Now, if this young lady (black) is speaking of how God has 'worked' in her life - I understand her limited thinking. Once again, humans boxing in God for our liking. Only goes to prove that we speak (ME INCLUDED) in terms of our imaginations about God. We literally make-up what we want to be "mysterious". Or, attribute to God. I wonder if God is responsible for everything? If so, He ain't a pleasant God!

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The One who Controls Every Matter in the Universe?

James MacDonald Quote: Really?

If God is omnipotent, all knowing – all controlling, what is the point of praying for change? Your prayers - if answered - may just be perverting, trumping, and/or hindering God’s plan.

How do you know when you are spiritually walking in God’s plan? Are you in control?

God is aloof…distant. We make Him real? Why would He ‘mingle’ with a mess: Humans, when He is perfect? Didn’t He wash His hands with us in that garden?

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Avoiding the Cross?

Why are Christians wanting the so called Return of the Messiah (Jesus)/End of the World -when these same Christians are not READY to take-up the Cross, and do His work while they (Christians) are here on the life that the Creator supposedly granted them? Sounds to me like these Christians are wanting NOT to do The Work of the Messiah.

Man in picture (above) telling the cross carrying Jesus, ‘Gone we ain’t ready to follow you.’

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.