Sunday, October 24, 2010

How God Defeats Science

Having no ability to measure God or account for His existence through reliable fact is the issue I have with the Concept of God. Not that I do not believe there is a divine force in the universe that we refer to as God - but believing in a God because our faith substantiates the belief only proves that we are putting our understanding of God in the inconsistent and elaborate imaginations of man/woman. Therefore, the faith we have in a God is a forced belief because our imaginations want and need this faith food to quell its spiritual hunger for answers. Faith will always win out with this dynamic at work while science becomes the atheistic justification for non-believers.

One critical factor we must keep in mind is that science does not need anything - an outside force - to produce or maintain validity. Science is absolute. Faith comes and goes based on where people are in their religious life - and in this process it does not gain man/woman nothing but another belief in an unstable mechanism of support that one has to blindly exercise faith without reason to make real. Such as heaven. The same process for Satan. The same process for Jesus walking on water and being born from a virgin. And, it goes on and on.

The constructors of Christianity and its most devoted promoter, the Christian minister, relish in the fact that it goes on and on. That it is a never ending speculation without a reasonable or responsible conclusion. Why?

The constant effort of trying to understand keeps the desperate and the hopeful wanting and needing answers. Leaving the soul pleading for - you guessed it - unshakable FAITH.

Unfortunately, these God-seekers spend the majority of their life either searching for answers that will never produce a scientific or quantifiable conclusion - or adhering to what does not make any sense at all. The latter, is the key to Christianity's worldwide success. The believers, with defeat, give up trying to understand with the utilization of logic and become men and women who repeat verbatim,

'I believe by faith. And by faith alone.'

When this regurgitated religious pronouncement is uttered, I become confident in my anti-religion dogma. Specifically anti with the religion named for a man whose character is not reflected in its present form, Christianity. The believer is trapped at this point in her self imposed pious tornado. In that declarative storm/test that many find themselves undergoing and enduring repeatedly in the life that their God has bestowed or should I say burdened upon the flock?

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour - 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

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