Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Atypical Altar

I never thought when I started my commentary ministry, Muata Truth Telling, that I would become despised. Disliked. Marginalized. It never crossed my mind that friends and family would abandoned me as a result of my life-long acquired opinions. Opinions that have additionally been forged by a seminary education…that did not lead me to the most common and disgraced area of the Church, The Pulpit.

My ministry has been one of what I think is honestly forthright and based on scientific and mathematical truthful. The Church’s truth is far from this. Therefore, I could not and will not subject myself and those who bother to consume and engage me to unsubstantiated religiosity.

As I sit here alone this Sunday morning, I can wholeheartedly acknowledge that I am saddened. Sadden by the reaction I have received while expressing myself with lovely tenacity - but at times void of cognizant compassion.

As I sit here alone this Sunday morning, I cannot think of one word that I have typed in conscious malice. While blunt with substantiated rhetoric I have not intentionally attempted to hurt Christian-laced feelings. I have done everything possible to SHOCK; and not bruise the emotions of those who have been drowned with the numerous representations of The Church: God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ (which one is in control).

As I sit here alone this Sunday morning, I still do not completely regret where I have ended up: With Self. This is the place that makes one stronger. Strength does not come from a walk to the save-ship altar (saved from what). It has been the place where I have been forced to deal with my complexity: My God-given and sanctioned garbage. This place - is my Sunday Morning Contemplation.

Consequently, I have to face the loneliness that comes with becoming an unrelenting and unashamed religious outcast. I would rather be on the fringe rather within the mess, The Church.

And, get this - I am in this place as a result of trying to be understood and understand.

Guess I should have said nothing?

I believe with every ounce of my being that I was not made for this world. The world’s present state. Get that, "this world". This world is a disgusting facade. A smelly abyss. A place that does not respect humble agitation - and progressively free thought. Unabashed thought that’s not robotically attached to religion.

I have mistakenly tried to be FREE while knowing that ultimate freedom requires a death. A death of something. That something - can be and should be what this world has created, a Voided Hallelujah Soul.

As I move onto the next ‘sermon’ please know that My Ministry has been to non-narcissistically enlighten myself, to transparently share myself with the universe, and to examine myself while at
The Atypical Altar.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.


  1. Reade Response:

    I thank our Creator for allowing you the life, strength and courage/passion to boldly encourage anyone you meet to analyze for themselves the misrepresented beliefs about GOD, our purpose here on Earth and life thereafter. So many of us, myself included until the past 1-3 yrs, have blindly accepted the “traditions of religious practices”…..never taking the time understand GOD for themselves, THEMSELVES! Don’t lose heart in your work of spreading the real Truth, you helped to reach me and I’m certain that you are reaching others. It’s quite an internal battle to “think outside the cult”, as many of us have been poisoned with lies since adolescence and are slaves to our faith (like an addict to a dope-dealer) instead of being GOD-like beings, free and empowered to perform miraculous acts to the glory of GOD. As I always tell you, thanks you for the role model you’ve been in my life. I pray endless blessings to you, your family and all that you put your hands too.


  2. Reader Response:

    There are others who are in total agreement with your views. I have family members and personal friends who think as you do. All of my grown nieces and nephews are college graduates and none of them attend church.They have never bought into the need to be saved. The problem is those who think as you do are not organized and generally keep such thinking to themselves. No one knows such critical thinkers exist in the African American world. However, church attendance is steadily declining (church attendance not spirituality). Researchers say by 2035 church may just about be over. Hopefully you can continue to broaden your reading audience. Our people need to be encouraged to seek the truth about the bible and spirituality.

    I never fit in with traditional clergy or church conferences. I currently do not belong to any church. I only have one church in Washington that I care to visit - All Souls Unitarian. They offer a social justice theology. Some Sundays I am home alone. Teaching. preaching, and living the truth can be a lonely journey. But it is worth the sacrifice if it can set our people free.

