Saturday, July 10, 2010

Another Lie, Sex Before Marriage is NOT a sin

There have been many occasions where I would not make a bold declaration in fear that I have overlooked a fact. Well, this time is different. I preface my divinity education and my continuous study – and put it (seminary education) on the line with this one.

No where. Let me repeat/retype NO WHERE in that crutch for a bible does it say that having sex prior to marriage is a sin. Again, no where.

The bible talks about sex a lot. Actually, King David was the master of sexing – but he was not called on the carpet for his outlandish sexual tendencies until he decided to have sex with a married women. Before then, he was banging all types of women!

The bible speaks of fornication quite a bit to – but I challenge all those reading, particularly those trigger ready to dispute me, to examine the word fornication. Go to its roots. Study it before you tell me that fornication implies sex before marriage. Yes, the definition tells us it is sex between to unmarried people. What it does not tell us is that fornicating pre marriage is a sin.

Now, I am not advocating that we all should go out and have sex freely. What I am pushing from my pulpit:

Sex before marriage is not a sin and NO WHERE in the Good Book does it say that it is sinful.

Biblical ignorance, misguided scripture allegiance and misrepresentation has handicapped the African American community. Shackled us in so many ways. It actually has led us astray. We need to stop listening to Pastor in some cases, and listen to that inner voice. Pastor is a man/woman too. HUMAN. He/she is a representation of all that is wrong with us. Yes, I said that! With this contemplation, let's get busy saving ourselves without an unsound Sunday morning sermon that may have been written while Pastor was drinking some cognac. A lot of cognac. Or, while he/she was chatting with boyfriend or girlfriend – and not with his/her wife/husband.

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

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