Sunday, March 28, 2010

The One who Controls Every Matter in the Universe?

James MacDonald Quote: Really?

If God is omnipotent, all knowing – all controlling, what is the point of praying for change? Your prayers - if answered - may just be perverting, trumping, and/or hindering God’s plan.

How do you know when you are spiritually walking in God’s plan? Are you in control?

God is aloof…distant. We make Him real? Why would He ‘mingle’ with a mess: Humans, when He is perfect? Didn’t He wash His hands with us in that garden?

Written by the Preacher you will not hear during America’s most segregated hour, 11:00AM Sunday Morning.

1 comment:

  1. Reader Response:

    Interesting observation Brian. But I look at it like this - God is like the loving parent (with a lot more power and control). We go to our parents and ask for things. Sometimes they give it, sometimes they don't. But at the end of the day - it is about loving communication. I believe God loves us just that much - that he wants to hear from us. And every now and then, if we pray in a sincere matter - our prayers can change the course of our lives in a positive way. But then, as you said - sometimes we pray for things that are outside of the will of God. Then we get it, and regret having asked for it! lol And then you wonder - well why did God give it to me, and let me experience that pain?? Well it's again like our parents. If they don't give it to us, we are upset, and think they are being selfish or not understanding. So by having those things - we learn what we do (and do not) need.

    But that's just my take on it. And I, by no means, profess to understand the complete will of God. That's the other thing about it - it is beyond my mere comprehension. I only get a glimpse of the overall picture. If I knew it all, then I would be God, right?
