Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Vision as The It...I saw Jesus

I typically will not with complete confidence acknowledge that I have seen a vision or that something has been divinely revealed to me. If it does not conclude with an understandable manifestation…if The It cannot be substantiated by science and/or mathematics - or make any sense whatsoever, I as a rule toss the enigma up as an unusual occurrence. Nonetheless, I must confess that I have been in extraordinary predicaments where logic was absent…

Like the time I almost blew-up myself, my mother, my siblings, and everyone who lived in the building unit in which I lived on James Avenue. Yes…Danny and Carl Little, Jed, Scott Perry, and their parents would have been burnt crispy corpses if The It would not have tapped me on my shoulder right before I was preparing to strike a match inside the annoying housing authority oven.

Marijuana, Wild Irish Rose, and the munchies are bad ingredients for a 14 year old at 2AM. I was weed-hungry so I placed a tray of A and P frozen French fries & Swanson’s frozen fish sticks in the propane powered stove. After realizing that the oven was not baking my breakfast, I remembered that on occasion we have to light the pilot transmittal. There I was with all my upper extremity in the oven with matchbook in hand…but suddenly The It intervened. The It reminded me that the gas had been on for at least 25 minutes. The explosion was diverted…and I ate a bag of pecan sandies instead.

My close encounters with death have been abundant. I want to believe that they are realities within my life because of bad luck. However, with all of my honesty I would be remiss if I labeled the happenstances as random unfortunates. I have not lived a life of safety. The Pseudo Preacher has been foolishly deliberate close to the edge…like the frequent times I decided to have unprotected sex. Yes…did that disclosure surprise you? If it did, it also in all probability helped absorb your guilt. Those among us throw that stone…Judge me with love, I deserve your compassionate judgment – and I need your prolonged patience.

Serenity, tranquility, and calmness are the synonyms of patience that came over me two weeks ago. I was on the renowned Doak Street in Thomasville, North Carolina. And, I decided to capture a moment on my modest Cannon camera. There The It was…it was in projection in my camera as I captured Daniel in the lion’s den. Initially, in amazement I thought the entire night was now a dream. I had to be dreaming…The It was there…I know for sure if I did awake in front of Brown New Calvary Baptist Church - and this remarkable moment was a dream I would need the infamous dream interpreter, Daniel of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible/Old Testament) to interpret this one.

Brown New Calvary Baptist Church is a pillar in Thomasville. Like many of the churches in my hometown, they are monumental landmarks that symbolize stability - and conflict. What occurs in the confines of the church building e.g. child molestation - during church service is a reflection of the secular world that we live e.g. dependency creation. What we see and bear witness to in the house of the Lord is what we should celebrate – and most importantly revile…condemn…denounce!

Thankfully, church service was hours from beginning on this late Saturday night. What I saw was The It. It was in plain sight on the Calvary wall. The It was the force-fed image of a Jesus.

Similar to the early morning that would have literally rocked the Mr. Robinson and Lois Hunter strong-arm managed New Projects and surely would have devastated Bulldog country, time halted. The allusive King James and European character’s likeness appeared to magically leap forward. He was in my lens. In my Cannon. Then the wind blew, and I had a flash memory of the time I almost drowned in the Caribbean Sea. I saw Peace.

Did you see the non-immaculate Jesus today? If you have repeatedly felt the presence of a docile Savior – and not a Che Guevara Jesus in your church or if you have not gained anything from reverend’s hermeneutic transfers try looking for the non-returning mighty messiah in the picture below. Start searching for this sacrificial lamb to the left of Daniel the Dream Interpreter’s chest. Yes…Daniel’s upper extremity.

Do you see your celebrated savior? It is said that he gave up his doomed life for you, The Believer. Now, find him in your terminal existence. When you secure his face…decipher his Western image say, ‘I will honor The Christ by maintaining my composure in the den. I will ignore the threat of death; and dream during all storms. I will be unorthodox for him.’

Again, I will not validate what cannot be substantiated…use your faith and imagination as Daniel did while he was in the den to authenticate my Vision.

The Pseudo Preacher

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