Sunday, January 20, 2013

Faith as a Pacifier

Having Faith is an act assumed –not secured- by the Believer so she will feel better about an outcome - and Having Faith is an impulsive pacifier used to soothe during a moment of uncertainty.

Expansion of the Believer's faith is similar to one of many pain is needed and used when there is minor discomfort. There is an expectation for the pain to cease after ingesting the pain aid – but for the less than spiritually resilient pain killers are nothing more than palliatives falsely placating to one’s inability to Endure. 

Reality is commonly ignored during times of hardship because the reality may produce an unwanted result e.g. death, long term illness, and/or emotional displeasure. Consequently, what many of us do is fanatically hope for the best keenly knowing that the best might ultimately be a negative consequence -and the consequence most often is the reality because of someone's inability to control their lives…their lack of control to make a decision or have what they need and want. Thus, confirming to those who believe in the Power of Pragmatism –not faith- that human existence and all that occurs during our time alive is not under the control of an Omnipresent Force.

Yet, we are encouraged to project a confident demeanor as a way to enhance faith walks knowing full well that Reality is the Final Authority. Not Deity...Not Allah. Not Jah...Not Jehovah...Not Jesus. This –Reality- in itself is the God we should worship and revere.

We do the opposite of what is real because without a compass of faith the framers of religious conviction essentially have no foundational support for their religiosity…the tenets of their creeds are rendered null which produces what is preferably expected and devilishly desired, Panic.

Anxiety is the opposite of Peace. Nothing raddles the soul worse than anxiousness. It, with immense destruction, invokes unpredictability – and no one wants to be Lost.

Therefore, the ‘better’ alternative is to Believe…to have Faith. Which in my limited –but learned understanding and pending announcement of Disbelief causes some level of Pause bearing in mind both –the use of faith and not having faith- will never be the exclusive factor in any of our Outcomes.

Reality is the New God…

The Pseudo Preacher

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

This book –The Inward Journey- was a required text while I was at Howard University School of Divinity. Each and every time I pick it up -that has been often over the past eight years- I stumble upon a statement from Howard Thurman that enlightens me more and more...

The Solitariness of Life

“Here we are in the presence of an essential insight into all human experience. It seems, sometimes, that it is the solitariness of life that causes it to move with such intensity and power. In the last analysis all the great moments of profoundest meaning are Solitary. We walk the ways of life together with our associates, our friends, our loved ones. How precious it is to lean upon another, to have a staggered sense of the everlasting arms felt in communion with a friend. But, there are thresholds before which all must stop and no one may enter save God, and even He in disguise. I am alone but even in my aloneness I seem sometimes to be all that there is in Life, and all that there is in Life seems to be synthesized in Me. It is a matter of more than passing interest that this element of overwhelming poignancy is relieved somewhat by a clear note of triumph.” -Howard Thurman

Perhaps, if we conquer/defeat or even embrace/hug Solitary, we may just understand our purpose.

Peace Be Still is often times associated with the story of Jesus when he and the disciples were on a boat - and a storm forms.

I have always taken biblical stories and made them my own...molded them into what I wanted despite my objections to the bible.

In this case, my story is that Jesus was ALONE when he was on that boat...figuratively and literally.

We are ALONE when no one trusts or believes that everything will be okay. We are ALONE when trouble comes.

Be Alone

The Pseudo Preacher