Saturday, February 9, 2013

Simply It…Reality or Dogma Believer?

People are not religious or adhere to religious doctrine because they believe it is the right thing to do. Most people become adherents of a religious faith because they are terrified that if they do not believe in a God that they will burn in Hell or never make it to a Paradise. 

Many of the pious are in 'It' because they believe that their lives will suddenly be candidates for divine restoration and mysterious rejuvenation – or that they will immediately acquire a plateau of peace after accepting whatever process there is to be saved, made anew, or born-again. 

If the Believers claim to be in 'It' for the aforementioned reasons they are misguided, and spiritually diluted; Simply because no one's life instantaneously gets better as a result of claiming to believe ridiculous fairytales - and by reciting a preposterous creed. 

No one is in good graces Simply because they are Christian, Muslim, Lutheran, or Baptist. There is not one established religion on the face of this earth that spontaneously makes an individual’s life...your life better. There is not one religion that if accepted will earn you favor. There is not one religion that has a vice-grip on right and wrong. 

Right and Wrong were in existence long before we began to refer to ourselves as Saints, Pope, Christians, Bishop, Holy People, Cardinal, or Islamist. Entirely too much time and effort is spent on attempting to be the man-sanctioned characteristics and definitions of a religious title instead of being Right and/or Wrong. 

Christian ministers/pastors who are without a theological and Reality framework will not tell you any of this. They need for men and women to come to the altar seeking easily acquired forgiveness and ridiculed saving…they need to report back to the funeral attendees that Brother Percy accepted the white-imaged Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior - and petitioned for divine Clemency before his last grasp for polluted air…therefore, assumingly earning himself (Percy) celestial residency. 

What about Percy’s life of Right and Wrong prior to being bully pul-pitted into believing that death is eternal damnation if he does not repent and accept the white authority’s most destructive pacifer…what about Percy’s actions of serving humanity before he made his one way stroll into the hospice center? What if Percy has dedicated his life to helping cancer patients in the last stages of treatment…what if Percy by all accounts has lived a righteous life…is not his destiny Nirvana? 

Why is it in man’s final moment of living that he and a sinful minister THEN have the power to erase all of his transgressions Simply by apologizing under death distress; and conveniently accepting the canons of Humankind’s most oppressive tool, Religion 

Ask yourself, if it is truly a prerequisite to voice, ‘I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost’…to meet The Maker of Heaven and Earth…if there is The One. Ask yourself, if it is truly a precondition to pray on your knees five times a day to secure a seat in Heaven…if there is a Heaven.
If your answer is yes, you are a Dogma Believer. You are surely void of what we have had since the beginning, 

Simply it...Reality.                

The Pseudo Preacher

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