Friday, August 24, 2012

Why me, God?

For me to ask, why me, God? Could possibly indicate that I never fathomed I would be in the position that I am in at this point in my life: unemployed (no job within my ‘training’) for a year and a half, on the brink of losing my place of peace, and the potential inability to fully provide for my kids...there’s more but I will not highlight my MINOR issues. Yes, minor! 

After thinking about that nagging question that appears to have taken perpetual refuge in my left eardrum, I have concluded that if I allow myself to entertain the question or assign it to my life I am in a direct and indirect way communicating that the jobs that people do like litter removal, dog waste pickup, restroom cleaning, dumpster positioning for trash collection, and those other dirty jobs/extreme blue collar jobs that people like me, 'the educated', were CONFIDENTLY assured by high school guidance counselors and college professors that we would NOT have to do if we persevere...push on and complete a worthless high school diploma and acquire a few letters (BA, BS, MS, PhD) behind your name; I and the 'educated' would be implying that we are too good to be blue collar. I am not too good…I am fitting for doing the undesirable jobs. 

Thankfully, I have not recklessly succumbed to 'Why me, God?' Even when I type that question, I get heated...angry that others have embraced and waddled in, 'Why me, God?' Not surprisingly, the men and women who insulate themselves in this repugnance are the once financially stable, in foreclose homeowners, overpriced vehicle drivers, bachelors or master’s degree obtainers, and more than likely the impatient Starbucks customer. 

So, if you are asking yourself that pathetic question or have asked...please know that you are not immune because you are white, black, female, male, rich, excessively wealthy, with college degrees, or simply because you are an arrogant American citizen.

Eventually, life smacks us all...some just have to endure The Trauma of Life longer than others which by the way cannot be explained via religion. No one really knows why the most innocent and decent of us are living in a God-made hell.  

See your life for what it is...fragile and unpredictable...please understand that the unexplainable is not to be explained…and know that God cannot answer, Why me? If God did respond we would not/will not learn from the mistakes/missteps that we believe God has identified for us. Learning from our wrongs would reveal what we continue to search for each and every day, Security. No one is safe…

The Pseudo Preacher

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